Saturday, February 7, 2009

My new life

After 18.5 years at home with kids, I am now a 'working outside the home' mum!

I have done admin work based at home for the last 6+ years but with both my dd's at school now (after home educating for 8+ years) but now I'm out the in the real world....

The job you ask???

A personal carer/support person for aged or disabled I do some domestic work, running errands, assisting with other activities like showering....this week I got paid to take a lady to the hairdresser!!

It's physical work...especially in the hot weather, but so far I'm enjoying being with other people....helping the oldies so that they can continue to live in their own homes....most are housebound so your visit is a bit of a highlight in their day!

It's only casual at the moment, so the hours are all up in the air....this week I'll do OK, who knows what will happen next week? So I'm out of the house....busy driving around visiting oldies!

So if I'm not around much it's because I'm not at home with time to reading hours have been greatly diminished...hence a lack of reviews!

By the time I finish my work, pick the girls up from the bus, do dinner etc.....I'm ready for bed and beyond following my latest book.

For anyone waiting for reviews...I did finish The Diving Bell and the Butterfly....a lovely book, an amazing story when you consider how it was 'dictated' by a man paralysed, (he actually was considered a locked in person, in other words despite being unable to move his body, he still had a fully functioning mind). Following a massive brain hemorrhage, only able to move one eyelid he dictated his story, pre and post brain injury. It's a short book, only 140 pages...very timely read for me considering the work that I now do....I consider that everyone who intends to work in the medical related fields should read this work!

There is also a movie, now available on DVD, in French with subtitles, I have found myself a copy but haven't had a chance to watch it.
My 16yo dd is reading this book for a school assignment....she could choose any auto biography, so once she has finished reading it we'll probably enjoy the movie together!

I've almost finished The Reader...the movie hasn't been released here yet, so I have a couple more weeks!

I did finish God's glad that I go this book out of the library....I have mixed feelings about this book...not quite what I thought it would be! Turned in to a bit of a self-centred search.....

So that's all for me.....I'm very time poor at the moment as on top of that I'm finishing off my admin job with the charity....handing it on to the new lady....

Chat soon...please drop me a comment now and then, I do still have time to check my in-box even if my computer time doesn't extend to writing new posts for my blog!



Anonymous said...

Sounds like life is full steam ahead for you friend :)

Helping oldies is a great way to re-enter the workforce. I'll be an old lady one day (soon! :P ) and I hope a young lassie such as yourself will patiently drive me to the hairdressers to get my Beryl perm with a blue rinse :D


Anonymous said...

Hi Lisa,

I'm glad life is going well for you post-homeschooling.

I've enjoyed having a browse through your blog after seeing the link on Mrs BB's.

Fiona :-)

Anonymous said...

Lisa, good on you! This line of work can be very rewarding, and the elderly are such an over-looked group of people...

My hubby is a nurse's aide in a nursing home, only he works in the dementia part and whilst challenging, he prefers it with these folks than anywhere else at the home. He is so compassionate, love his heart... (I am glad it is his 'calling' and not mine ;) )

I am not surprised you fall asleep so easily, as working out-side the home exhaust you until you get more conditioned...

Let us know how you are going with it all...

Lisa said...

Thanks BB, Fiona and Amanda for your comments.

Amanda I didn't know that your hubby did that kind of work....tough work working with dementia....I have a couple of mild dementia clients, one lives at home alone...which kinda blows my mind!!
I will meet her this week, she must have very good family support for her to live at home!

Today is a easy day, only 2 hours of work, tomorrow is a 5 hour day....not sure what kind of work yet!

Chat soon


HomeGrownKids said...

Oh Lisa,
I love it - "working-outside-the-home-mum".

This type of work is so rewarding- physically demanding but worth it. One of my favourite wards was the geriatric ward...but ya either love it or hate it I think.

I know we'll still keep in touch...catchya!