Friday, January 16, 2009

New year


Welcome to the New year....and I'm now living in a new home!

Finally we have made in to our new's been a long and drawn out process!!

Two years ago we moved back to our home state after 5 years living down south! We had our down south home to sell which took longer than we ever thought....and then due to a crashed contract we missed out on a house that we all loved! Anyways, long story short is we made a bold move and decided to move as close to the city as we could afford to and while still being a practical distance from the school that our 2 daughters now attend! And finding a house that could accommodate a family of 5......but we have been blessed to find this house!

So finally after 2 years I feel somewhat settled....although this year will bring a few more changes...apart from living in a new area of town!
I need and want to get work that will take me out of the house! I have been working from home for the last 18 months or so, which work fine when I was homeschooling our youngest daughter, but with her now at school, my house is very quite and I'm not enjoying being home alone ALL day EVERY day.....of course I pick this current ecomonic 'downturn' to re-enter the formal job market....and me with little formal qualifications for the type of work that I wish to enter!

I'm sure that something will turn up that will suit me and everything that needs to be considered, like getting the girls to school, etc...and it will happen at the right time!

Regarding books.....well with moving and all there hasn't been too much time for reading...but I hope to get back on here and list my reading list for last year....





beyondbluestockings said...

I can understand the house feeling a little empty. After the initial novelty wore off, I think I would feel the same way - though I am sure it would take a while for the novelty wear off for me, you know, being able to think/read a whole sentence without interruption... a girl can dream...


Lisa said...

LOL, Mrs BB, when Hannah went to school, I figured out that it had been 18 years since I finished full-time employment to have our oldest child....apart from 1 year when Hannah went to kindy for 2 days a week, back in 1996, I have always had children at home with me....that is a long time...almost 2 decades!


Amanda said...

What!!! I can't believe my eyes... you have posted again! How long has it been? lol...

better late than never as they always say!

What area of town did you move to? As you live in my home town, I am curious. You can email me if you prefer, cause I'm curious also, which school the girls go to.


ps. Has Mrs BB got a new blog?

beyondbluestockings said...

Nah, Mrs BB just had to resurrect an old google account to enable comments (Because our Lisa friend doesn't have open ID for some reason - we'll have to work on that maybe ;) )

Lisa said...

We've moved to Eight Mile Plains, we are just down the road from Garden City shopping centre!

The girls are at Calvary now, we moved Z out of Groves at the end of 2007 and she commenced Year 11 last year at Calvary and H joined her in July last year.

Sorry about that Jo, will go in and try to change the settings.

Anyone no how i can get a reader for my blog?



Amanda said...

What do you mean a 'reader'?

oh, and I have lived in Eight Mile Plains in youth. It is my ol' stomping ground, lol... very familiar to me :)

Lisa said...

Never mind Amanda, I've found a subscribe button that I have now placed on my blog page...people can subscribe to this blog and/or the comments.

Anonymous said...

Yep, I realised what you meant after I posted. Did you know that there is also one at the very bottom of your blog? But, having one at the top of the blog is easier to find...

See you also found the Open-id thingy too... good girl :)

Anonymous said...

oh, one more thing I have been meaning to ask you...

do you still have your regular blog? I can't remember the name of it.

Lisa said...

I went to find it today, but I think that it's gone....vanished into the vapour!
I was going to transfer the better posts from that one over to this new one...this format is easier for me to work with!

I had a computer crash mid way through last year and I lost all my links/bookmarks etc....including the links to my blog on homeschool blogger as well as those of many friends.....should have back everything up!

Around that time my work lap top got sick so I was faced with trying to recover 2 computers!

I think that homeschool blogger regularly go through and delete any un-used blogs after a period of time.

I wanted to recover my past reading lists that were on there as well.

Oh well, nothing to get upset about, move on Lisa!


Anonymous said...

Oh, bless you girlie, there's the open ID. Now that was speedy service!

You know, to find your reading lists, maybe you can google something unique you posted about on your blog, or even your old blog name, and maybe find cached pages. There are other tools for recovering lost web pages, but I just can't remember the names of them atm.

I do remember you had one completely hilarious post that had items of retro fashion.. some guy found old magazines in a loft or something, and posted the photos. If you could remember something more specific than that, you may find it...