Thursday, May 15, 2008

No Postings

Well, true to form, I haven't made it back here to post......
I actually haven't been reading much as my eye sight is terrible and I am gettiing headaches and it's plain difficult to off to the optometrist I go tomorrow....and a new pair of glasses I will have in about 10 days time....
We just paid for 15yodd's new glasses last least there are only 2 of us with poor eye sight in this family!

Maybe there'll be a pic of the new look...then again...maybe not!!!

Catch ya!


Jacqlyn said...

I vote for a new picture WITH the glasses!
Glasses are so much more trendier these days aren't they. Truth be told I am finding it hard to see the small writing myself these days! gosh, I think they call it getting older.

Lisa said...

LOL, yep, time marches on....although my eye sight has been woeful for years there has been a noticeable difference for a year or so now!

I'll post a new picture WITH the glasses...when I get them!!

Amanda said...

Did you glasses get lost in the mail? Time marches on alright my buddy, it has been 7 months since you last posted (shock!!)

Well, as they say, it is never too late...


HomeGrownKids said...

Yeah come one...we want an update!!!!

Amanda said...

Lisa, you've been tagged! See my blog for details. Come on... dust the ol' blog off and have a go!! lol

Lisa said...

Thankis for the reminder ladies...I will get back here...I promise!