Friday, February 8, 2008

New Blog


I set up this account ages ago but never did anything with it.

It's supposed to be my reading blog, but I'm thinking of bringing my other blog over here....merging my two net identities!

I've been reading some great books over the summer, i'll be back to comment on them.

Catch ya


1 comment:

Tookie Clothespin said...

i found your blog by searching on the profile line "hanging with my husband and kids" and besides my own blog, yours was the only other one that came up, so i checked it out and was amused to find that you are also a reading, homeschool mom of teens, married as long as i've been. i'd love to talk sometime. are you really in australia? i'm in new mexico. if you decide to merge your two blogs into one, i'd love to read it! (if you leave it open to the public.) happy Wednesday!