After a spurt of activity on this blog recently, it looks like I've fallen off the face of the earth again!
Not really, just busy with life and stuff going on, like broken down cars that needed towing and a repair, getting daughters ready to start the new school year...yay!!!
Also, it's been like living in a sauna here is Brisbane this past few days...yuck, thank goodness that we have beautiful air conditioning in this house......this kind of weather is so energy sapping!
Anyways, I've finished The Diving Bell and the Butterfly and God's Callgirl, reviews are to come...please don't expect too much from my reviews, I'm feeling quite daunted about it!
I've started The Reader, I'm looking forward to seeing the movie, I'm also reading Salvation Creek at the same time.
One other thng that has consummed me is my Ipod and using I Tunes....I'm happy to report that I appear to have mastered the art of loading up new songs on to my Ipod, Christmas pressie from hubby.
I've been out buying cd's....lots to choose from in the sales.....and the other thing that I've discovered recently is watching dvd's of rock concerts.......way cheaper than going to the concerts; with a good sound system I get to enjoy Bono and U2, Sting and the Police and others in concert in the comfort of my lounge room....I've even enjoyed my husbands favourite, Andre day I'll post about my music....
A question for you....what kind of music do you like listening to?
Bye for now....
Sorry to hear about your car troubles. New car too? They don't make 'em like they used to...
I haven't done a book review, but I have read heaps of them. Don't stress about it. I read one person say, that you only need to just write what you thought, liked, didn't like etc. No hard and fast rules to follow. Long, or short... it is your review.
I have never heard of your husband fav band. But, I think I mostly live under a rock when it comes to music. The older styles such as you mention... of course I know them, they were around when I was younger.
I love Andrea Bocelli. You have him pictured... I have 2 of his cds. Haven't pulled them out in years, but I do get lost in his music. Beautiful stuff!
Yes, it is hot hear too, but no surprises there LOL
ooops, should be 'here' too, not 'hear'... silly me ;)
Oh... and, I've given you an award!
Check out the post.
Andre Rieu! My children LOVE listening to him play. Even miss baby stops trying to raid my books if we show her a you tube of Andre playing Hava Nagila. :D
I like Andrea Bocelli, also Celtic Woman, and this is one of our favourite youtube views:
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